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Real comments from a few of our 1,000's of customers (used with permission):

“I buy *lots* of stuff and typically I see almost the exact same ol’ – same ol’ stuff. Dave’s information is hot and from inside the trenches which makes it even more valuable. I recommend it for anyone who wants to build an online information business.”

-Yanik Silver, CEO, Evolved Enterprise


"Dear David, On behalf of Adam Khoo and myself, I would like to say a big 'THANK YOU!' for fo all the fabulous support you've shown us! It's been wonderful to have known and met you and we wish you all the best in your various endeavors... you've been a fabulous marketer and a wonderful role model to us and I wouldn't be where I am today without your support... Sincerely,"

- Adam Wong, (copy of original letter)


“I was just thinking about the other day who would be the person I learned the most from, or who would be the person I would call one of my mentors…

I think you would be the one. And I wanted to thank you for this. People just forget to say thank you in the daily grind. :-)”

– Peter Lenkefi


"Dave, your site is by far better than any of the dozens or so I subscribe to on selling and creating digital info-products on the web. Keep up the great work!"

- Kent Johnston



- Jim M.


"Hey Dave, I just wanted to thank you for your last newsletter. It saved me $99.00. You're the best.Thanks Again!"

- Ali Zain. President & CEO, Official eBooks Portal


"Hi David. Sorry i didnt get back to you sooner but the last e-mail you sent me released me from my coma. I would love to stay a member. I think your new site is a breath of fresh air compared to other sites i have joined on trial basis. Good quality information that gets right to the point without being overwhelming. Original articles to boot. Can't wait for the audio/video content. Its also very well layed out. I'm talking about the look of the site. Easy to navigate. Will you be adding a discussion forum in the future? A few weeks ago i purchased The Ultimate Business Opportunity and i was more than happy with all of the information i received. I eternally get excited when i connect to material that gets me thinking. Pure gold. King Midas is alive and well. Take care and thanks."

- Rick Thomas


"After checking out the site, I believe Paul Myers (from put it, ohmygodthisisthegreatestthingever!!! products, thanks again!"

- Clark Rozier


"Hi Dave, I've already been reading through the information and this is some great stuff!!! Needless to say I've paid for a lot of "membership" sites in the last few months and have usually ended up disappointed. Your site actually has USEFUL information. Thanks!"

- Chris Ross, Pres, VisitorBlast


“Hi David, I’ve been silent, but extremely active about your training. I’ve learned a lot of incredible concepts.

You have changed almost everything in my business philosophy. I did everything wrong! … I have learned from (other gurus) etc. and my own experience. … But the information you give is too valuable… and would never reveal it … I’m very serious about that.”

-Yan Basil


"Your newsletter rocks! The detailed info in this newsletter is worth 100 times more than I paid! Most biz-op info is vague and leaves you without a clue what to do next. Dave, your stuff is the best I've seen"

- Brannon B.


"David, I love the new site with how - to tips for making money on the internet. As I lover of books, I will soon take advantage of this valuable information. Please, keep this up! Thanks,"

- Bruce Arnold


"eBay Secrets is nothing short of eye-opening - and that's no hyperbole., I read it more than once."

- Nick Smith -MD HaloDesign


"Dear David, I read your book and loved it. I have bought several "Make Money On eBay" items, but yours seems the only GENUINE one I have run into. Most are a bunch of circulating shareware. "How can we make it sound real good without having to do much. Or kind of the pranks older soldiers put new recruits through."

- Rolf "The Dane"


David , I’m impressed! I just finished your Online Entrepreneur Training Program.

I’ve followed many of them and to be honest I was a bit skeptical at first. Now I must admit that this course can easily compete with every training from the so called Guru’s. It even goes beyond that since you also unveil your personal operations details based on your strategies! I’ve never seen that before and it is invaluable .

I just want to let you know that right now I’m restructuring my site based on your training program. Thank you very much for the insights and precious information.

-Case Stevens


"I just want to tell you I think your course is great! I didn't think about the potential of using eBay and other auctions the way you are describing. I'm sure many others haven't thought about the potential as well. You have my endorsement!" Sincerely,

- Robert P.


"I just read eBay Secrets all the way through, and as I expected, it's excellent. I'm looking forward to helping my daughter use it to get started..."

- Best regards, Charles Burke, Japan


"Hi Dave: Received the eBay Secrets book yesterday! INCREDIBLE!!!! I read it twice last night, I couldn't put it down. Thanks you so much for putting this book together. You saved me a lot of time and energy. It was certainly the best money that I paid looking for answers. You really should charge more, you can't put a price on that kind of info."

- Kathy Coombs


"Hi Dave,- Just finished reading 90% of your eBay ebook and I wanted to let you know how impressed I was with your depth of knowledge on the subject! I thought it was excellent and I will make sure to recommend it to anyone looking for a resource on selling goods/services at online auctions. Outstanding job and well worth the money ;-) ..."

-Eva Almeida, Publisher of eBooks N' Bytes Informer


"I have just finished reading eBay Secrets and I am disappointed! Disappointed that you didn't make me aware of this before!" - Neil Day


"Dave your website is great. You provide the most up-to-date information I've seen. Other sites have information on making money with eBay and other online resources...but the web changes so QUICKLY that most of it is out of date. Your information is current and fresh teaching how to make money using these resources TODAY!"

- Ron Ruiz


"David, I am currently subscribed to your newsletter. Thus far this has been the best newsletter I have ever subscribed to. I am currently awaiting my first shipment of (recommended merchandise) and very excited about selling that, as I see the profit potential is quite good."

- Nick, Money In A Box Info Products


"I started to read with a great deal of skepticism; but after ten minutes into it, I couldn't quit reading. It was an easy read despite the fact the information is solid and powerful. I will immediately begin implementing the concepts you revealed ... Most people have no idea it can be so easy to make money on online. You have provided the keys...! Thanks again!"

- Brent "The Whinner" Whinfield / Publisher


" are some of the thoughts I have about your site: 1. The information is tremendous. You always seem to have a knack of finding little software programs that can save and make people a lot of money. I loved the free ebook cover software you uncovered. That one small resource would be reason enough for people to pay to join your site. 2. I like the layout of the information on the site. It's pretty easy to find what you're looking for and the titles on the articles make you want to read everyone (which I have). 3. I like the fact that you speak from experience. You actually do create info products and make money from them. A lot of people wish they can say that."

- James Scott


"Hi Dave, I've already been reading through the information and this is some great stuff!!! Needless to say I've paid for a lot of "membership" sites in the last few months and have usually ended up disappointed. Your site actually has USEFUL information. Thanks!"

- Chris Ross, Pres, VisitorBlast


"Awesome site!"

- Allen Says, Former Founder,


"I have received 'eBay Secrets' and it's really, really, REALLY AWESOME (I've read it 3 times already :-)"

- Jake


"Hi, Dave. I got the eBay info yesterday! I enjoyed reading about you & your selling techniques. There's a lot to be learned there, & also from your example of great customer service! Thanks so much!!"

- J.D.


"Hi! I just wanted to tell you that I loved the advice you gave in 'eBay Secrets'. I'm just out of college, been looking for a job- so I started selling on the net... (I sold in the past, but only in spurts). I've been learning stuff the hard way, and after finishing your 'Plan', I feel like I've seen the light! There's so many things I never thought about... Thanks for the great guide; it was a very pleasurable read! Kindest regards,"

- Lisa G.


“Your lessons are incredible. You didn’t charge enough! I can’t even imagine how much time you’ve put into this”

– Ron V


"Very creative, Professional and talented person - excellent after sales service"

- R. Noble


"Tremendous Product! Excellent value for the price and good info throughout"

- J Scott



- Jim M.


“David,… I’m totally blown away! I have spent over $20,000 in the past 12 months buying websites, how to make money info, marketing info, etc. Yours is the first one that actually shows me what to do.

Ultimately I’m counting on making a living online ($100,000+) by putting your teachings into practice. I want to be the poster boy for the David Vallieres Coaching Program! (It’s) Excellent!”-

– John B., entrepreneur


“(Your) sharp focus on the reader’s wants and my USP came in stages. Planted suggestions like your “Yes, this is good, and I think you can do better,” your examples and suggested revisions, straight shooting but tactful feedback, impassioned instruction, and suggested reading have been my catalysts”

– Mary Greene, writer


“I simply, absolutely, love this course!”

– Mark Rodell


“Hi Dave, Just wanted to let you know that these lessons are dynamite . My mind has never been so focused and sharp, and the lessons answer my questions for me. I really enjoy this training and the lessons so far. For once I feel like I got a shot at getting somewhere with this Internet marketing stuff. :o)” -Dan Brock


“Hi Dave. Some pretty awesome stuff you’re sharing here. I’m mighty impressed …! :-)”

– Darryl


“I’m enjoying your ‘coaching’ course immensely. I’ve gotten several of your things before, and think very highly of them. If I succeed in getting this ball rolling, I’d be glad to give you a testimonial. I like your program much better than Yanik’s, by the way, but his is not bad.

On a personal note, I am now 82 years old, and am pushing eBay & the net in order to supplement social security. In previous lives I have been both an artist & a printer. Keep up the good work! Cordially, ”

– Edward Kirkpatrick


“Hi Dave, Just finished week six’s lesson and thought I’d drop you a line on where I’m at. When I started 6 weeks ago, I was averaging around $3-400 a week profit, enough to get by, but barely.

The past three weeks I have averaged over $650 a week, and have already hit that this week, and it’s only 5 days old. I admit, I skimmed through a lot of the early lessons, and will need to revisit them, but you have set me on the right track. In using the ‘find’ technique today, I was able to craft the following killer headline for my low carb software:

"Here’s How To Cut Your Carbs To The Bone, Protect Each Hard Fought Pound You Lose, And Maintain Complete Satisfaction In Your Low Carb Diet, Without Ever Being Hungry Again! ”

I got this idea from the… final lesson, thanks! I’ll keep you posted on my way to $2,000 per week, very soon I pray 🙂 Warmly”,

– Scot Standke


” Your course has been truly outstanding and I’ve picked up some valuable pointers even though I am a 31 year veteran of marketing.”

– Ellery Coleman


“Ask any web marketer worth his salt and they’ll tell you that most of the copywriting ebooks and manuals being sold on the net today are pure junk. It’s either recycled verbiage, hyped up theory or a plane old lie. Bottom line is you’d be better served spending your money on a pizza than to buy some of the crap online today.

Carefully Crafted Emails And Web Copy is different. It contains real strategies from a true net marketing war horse – David Vallieres. You won’t find any b.s. theory here. Every technique is time tested, simple to follow, easy to apply and above all — devastatingly profitable. This program is a true marketing gem. Get this!”

– Lenny Eng


“Just to let you know, I already purchased your Video. I’ve only been able to watch the first video, but from what I’ve seen so far, I think the videos are very impressive! I’m convinced that the videos will certainly help me write more convincing sales messages” –

– Joe Chengery III


“As someone who has been trying for the longest time to make money on the Internet I now see the mistakes I’ve been making in trying to write in an effective way to make people buy. Your Video tutorials have hit the nail on the head and I’m applying the techniques to my current advertising efforts. I’ll let you know how it goes Thanks again”

– Nancy Langston


“I just bought that video you did with the guy where you showed him how to compose the sales letter. It was fantastic, really educational and, at least for me, a bargain.”

– Matthew Daniels


“I sent out a email to my list of 569 users yesterday before I left to visit my mother. I just came back tonight and my email inbox was full of sales from clickbank. My eyes popped out. $914.70!!! 15 sales in 26 hours. All I have to say is a very sincere thanks…thanks for a system that finally works! Later, Jarrett”

– Jarrett Graham


“You are ingenious for coming up with something like this! I’ve watched it and although I know quite a bit about copy writing, I have to admit I gleaned some very good points from it. Superb job!”

– James Jones, Author & Publisher


“Hi, I’m writing in response to your request for feedback on your tutorials. Your product has really cleared away the confusion I’ve had (that I didn’t even know I had) until I watched your tutorials. I have started to apply what I’ve learned and I am no less than excited about the results I’m going to get.”

–David Guindon, Editor/Programmer


“Marketing Systems that give you an edge…”

My name is David Vallieres. I create block-buster info-products - many of which have generated $1 million+ in revenue each. I am regularly paid $10k, $25k, $50k or more + royalties to create information products. My own products have generated several million in gross sales.

Many of my products include built-in revenue opportunities for those who buy them. Contact us to learn how you can profit from our products.

Marketing and Business:

• The Out-of-Print Booksellers Manual

• eBay Secrets Revealed (PDF ebook)

• You Can! Make Your Living Online! (online training course /HTML)

• The Ultimate Business Opportunity (course on buying and selling websites / multimedia video course)

• How To Sell Used and Rare Books Online (ebook/PDF)

• The One Marketing Secret That Could Make You Rich (report /PDF)

• Where To Find Truly Profitable Products to Sell on eBay (with James Jones, et al.)

• Advanced Email Marketing: The ProfitLoop System (multimedia training course and marketing system)

• Electronic Publishing (a history of ecommerce up to 2004 - ebook/PDF)

• Carefully Crafted Email (successful email copywriting secrets - ‘look over my shoulder’ video)

• Turning Content Into Cash – Vol 1 (report / PDF)

• Turning Content Into Cash – Vol 2 (report / PDF)

• Turning Content Into Cash – Vol 3 (report / PDF)

• UNSTUCK Breakthrough! The Online Seminar (video training course)

• The Public Domain Reports

• 7 Ways To Make Fast Cash Online (videos)

• ClickBank Message Sets (180 ready-to-upload autoresponder messages selling over 60 CB products)

• Quick and Easy Certified Copyright Searches (report)

• Fail As Fast As Possible and Other Uncommon Success Methods (ebook)

• The One Business Secret That Will Transform Your Business (PDF report)

• The Wealth Manual (training course / PDF)

• 6-In-6 (6 Figures in 6 Months) (comprehensive video training)

Direct Marketing Autopilot Workshop (multimedia training course)

• Mastering the Marketing Mindset (PDF)

• The Direct Marketing Workshop (video course)

• InfoMaster: The Most Profitable Way To Create, Package and • Sell Information Products Online (video course)

• 2 Minute Membership Sites with Free WP Plugins (videos)

• Crazy Money Videos + Mind Map (a unique way to make money without working)

• The Mind Method (motivational system for success)

• Change Your Life In 3 Minutes (ebook /PDF)

• The Wealth Masterclass (videos + PDF's)

• Kick Butt Marketing E-Letters (email series)

• The Course on How To Create Courses (videos)

• Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Opportunities (videos)

• ROULETTE TRACKER: Seriously Fun Way To Play Roulette (videos + PDF + Tracker System)

• The Top 10 Myths About Marketing

• 4 Things Rich Marketers Know (That You Don't)

• How To Choose The Best Business or Opportunity That Could Make You Rich

• 3 Steps to A 6-Figure Autopilot Income Online

… and more I can’t name (due to client confidentiality)

Trading and Investing Products:

I started my very first business at age 14 by running an ad in a local newspaper advertising “odd jobs done”. That kept me busy for 3 years!

David Vallieres, InfoProductLab

I become an online marketer after a large part of the Internet was sold to MCI by the US government (ARPANet) in 1996 making commerce on the Internet possible. I got started early in my online career by creating websites for local companies and advertising my first printed (paper&ink) information product online in 1996. I was one of the first to create a 100% digital delivered information product in 2000 and one of the first training courses for online marketers, You Can! Make Your Living Online!

Over the next 20+ years I’ve started businesses in retail, publishing, graphic arts, manufacturing, services, stock market research, and Internet marketing.

Over the last two decades I created dozens of courses, books and training programs for thousands of entrepreneurs and investors worldwide on how to engage customers, market and sell online as well as courses, programs and algorithms on how to trade the financial markets (some are listed below).

Some of the Products Created by David Vallieres:

• Trading As A Business (video training course)


• The Winning Trade System (video course)

• Trading Inside Days (my take on Toby Crabel's open-range breakout trading system)

• How I Made $47k In One Day: Double-T Trading System (report on an unusual trade setup - real money trade / PDF)

• VXX Pro Trading System (video course)

• The Market Timer System (Excel spreadsheet)

• The Better Butterfly:  How To Turn a Boring Options Strategy Into An Exciting Explosion of Profits

Trade the Curve

• and many more…

Out-of-print works digitized, edited and re-published:

• Wyckoff’s Day Trading Secrets (ebook)

• Mind Reading For fun and Profit (ebook)

• The Masters of Copywriting (ebook and spiral bound)

Timeline Highlights:

1996 - The year we started online by creating websites and hosting them

1997 - The year we started selling our own products online

2000 - The year we started selling digital products online

2005 - LLC formed / InfoProductLab LLC

2008 - Our best year so far, even during the GFC

2015 - The year we expanded into multiple other markets

2022 -  Return of the Cinderella man


Behavioral Economics / Ogilvy

Applied Behavioral Science / Ogilvy

Behavioral Science for Effective Messaging / Ogilvy

Creative Effectiveness / Ogilvy

Copywriting / Cannes Lions School of Advertising

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